Member Experience

Save more, stress less.

A world-class member experience that delivers peace of mind.

Your members are your savings superpower.

We make it easy for your members to drive claim savings no one else can.

Supercharge claim reviews.

Uncover inflated charges by cross-checking clinical notes.

Tap into 501(r) discounts.

Get discounts of up to 100% off at 3,500+ hospitals.

Personalized experience.
Personal connection.

 Blending smart automation with real human support, we create a tailored experience for every member.

Personal member concierge
Each member is assigned a case manager to guide them through the process.
Smart, real-time automation
Members get alerts and progress updates tailored to their individual case.
Integrates with existing platforms
Fully configurable with other platforms, and can be implemented in weeks.

You’re in good hands with our award-winning team.

Our experienced concierges guide members every step of the way.

Available 7 days a week by phone, SMS, email, and chat
Bilingual support in English and Spanish
Award-winning customer satisfaction, 99 all-time CSAT
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